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What We're Reading Now

Celebrating My Three-Year Blogging Anniversary with a Free Pass

2 June 2015

Allison celebrated her third anniversary of blogging every Tuesday and then ran out of words. But that’s okay because with a little time and space to grieve her grandma's death she’s pretty sure she’ll find her voice again next week.

Tags: allison read

On 29 May 2012 I committed to blogging every Tuesday. That day I wrote about relationships and managing expectations. Since then I’ve kept to my weekly goal of writing about what we’re reading now except for vacations when other team members have blogged for me and one Tuesday where I just couldn’t find my words so Rachel helped me out.

In the last three years I’ve written 156 posts about these topics: balance, baseball, careers, change, coaching, communication, conflict, creativity, culture, design thinking, diversity, email, grief, happiness, human resources, leadership, learning, lego lessons, listening, management and supervision, mentoring, mindfulness, music, nonprofit, performance management, poetry, project management, sleep, social media, strategy, teams, ted, and vacation.

Some Tuesdays this self-imposed goal is really hard to achieve, but I’ve always come up with something by midnight. Other Tuesdays the thoughts come to me pretty quickly. Today I find myself out of words. I know it’s because we had my grandma’s funeral on Sunday. I wrote about her life last week. I’m actually grateful she was able to die at 99 after six years of living with horrible dementia. She had a most amazing life, and it was time for her to go, but I am still sad beyond words.

So on this day I’m letting myself lean into the grief and take a free pass. Given how important balance is to me, I think this is a pretty good way to celebrate my three-year blogging anniversary. I’m trusting what I know about grieving and believing that with a little time and space I can find something to say about something I’ve read (or watched) next Tuesday.


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