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What We're Reading Now

Know Thyself

16 July 2024

Inscribed on the Greek Temple of Apollo is the famous Delphic maxim "Know Thyself."  Plato believed true wisdom came from understanding one's character and true nature. Jean Gomes’ sense of self framework from his book, Leading in a Non-Linear World: Building Wellbeing, Strategic and Innovation Mindsets for the Future introduces such a tool for self-reflection.



Peek-a-boo Matters

2 July 2024

Barbara watched seven-year-old Molly Wright’s TED Talk, How every child can thrive by five, and was impressed with her skill and passion at delivering information about important brain research.



Practicing Hard Empathy

18 June 2024

Janie revisited Imaginable: How to see the future coming and feel ready for anything—even things that seem impossible today by Jane McGonigal and was captivated by the concept of hard empathy.



Baseball Zen

 4 June 2024

Allison watched a lot of MLB.TV Baseball Zen clips and was grateful for another way to settle her mind when negative or anxious thoughts take hold.



More Good Words

21 May 2024

Rachel read The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows by John Koenig and savored all sorts of new ways to describe many universal yet difficult-to-describe sensations.



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