What We're Reading Now
Entries tagged with: Mbti
31 January 2011

Allison re-read some chapters from Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type by Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron. (Even though this book is about careers, you can also use it to consider your type and work more effectively with people.)
30 July 2011

Allison enjoyed her annual Barrett Boyz summer weekend and remembered a good lesson from Gordon Lawrence’s People Types & Tiger Stripes.
Use Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Insights to Take Better Care of Yourself

7 August 2012
Allison read a list of ways to take better care of ourselves using MBTI preference insights created by a group of course participants. Our clients often know exactly what they need to do for themselves and this time was no exception.
This Stuff Just Might Work

28 August 2012
Allison read the directions for how to assemble three pieces of furniture for her house in record time and proved to herself that what she wrote about in last Tuesday’s blog post really does work.
LEGO® Lessons, Continued

17 June 2014
Allison watched The LEGO® Movie for the third time and reflected on the things she's learned from her work with Professor LEGO over the years as well as the many lessons in this “AWESOME!!!” movie.
More Energy for Introverts During the Holidays

24 December 2019
Barbara read The Holidays Are Absolutely Exhausting for Introverts. Here’s How to Change That. by Emma Scheib and as an introvert, was reminded of ways to cope. (Extraverts might find a few of these tips to be helpful, too!)
Managing Your Expectations

5 January 2021
Barbara read How to Manage Your New-Year Expectations by Courtney Rubin and was grateful for some practical advice on how to navigate her emotions while continuing to adhere to pandemic restrictions.
Leaning Into Solitude

11 April 2023
Barbara listened to David Whyte’s Three Sundays Zoom Series called Clear Mind Wild Heart, Finding Clarity and Courage Through Poetry and found reinforcement for thinking positively about solitude.
How Much Alone Time is Too Much?

6 June 2023
Barbara read the New York Times article, I Love You, Now Leave Me Alone: What Friendship Means to an Introvert, by Catherine Pearson and used it to help her return to the right amount of socializing for this stage in her life.
MBTI Still Matters

19 November 2024
Allison reflected on why the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is still her favorite instrument for helping people to be better bosses, employees, family members, friends, and most importantly take better care of themselves.
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