30 July 2011
Allison enjoyed her annual Barrett Boyz summer weekend and remembered a good lesson from Gordon Lawrence’s People Types & Tiger Stripes.
30 July 2011
Allison enjoyed her annual Barrett Boyz summer weekend and remembered a good lesson from Gordon Lawrence’s People Types & Tiger Stripes.
14 July 2011
Allison read and listened to some of her favorite poems that always help her to reboot her brain and find the path back to a little more balance.
10 July 2011
Rachel started incorporating the practical advice from Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers by Jeanne Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie into the ways she helps clients and colleagues find the designer in all of us. (It's nice to have a resource that pulls so much good thinking into one place.)
4 July 2011
Rachel found the academic underpinnings of her approach to organizational discovery when she read The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Positive Change by Diana Whitney and Amanda Trosten-Bloom. (Thanks to ACHRA and presenter Anne Williams for the book suggestion!)
26 June 2011
Allison read the C-VILLE Power Issue and reflected on one major source of power and influence.
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