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What We're Reading Now

Maintaining Better Focus

6 December 2016

Janie watched Pinkcast 1:13 The power of an hourly beep, and was intrigued by a new idea for maintaining better focus at work.



Observing Art for Better Communication

2 December 2016

Eden read Visual Intelligence by Amy Herman and was happy to see so many communication tools in a book about what and how we see.



Develop Emotional Agility

29 November 2016

Allison read Neda Semnani’s interview of Susan David, A Harvard psychologist explains why forcing positive thinking won’t make you happy, and got excited for David’s new book.



Deep Work: Focus for Longer Periods of Time

22 November 2016

Barbara read Cal Newport’s Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World and learned that future jobs will go to the people who can think deeply about complex subjects and come up with solutions to difficult problems.



What is Design Thinking?

15 November 2016

Allison facilitated the Ready, Set, Design activity for 150 participants and was grateful for a fun, fast, and easy way to explain design thinking concepts.



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