What We're Reading Now

More Talking Less Typing With Our Devices

7 May 2024

Barbara listened to Tobias Dengel at the Virginia Festival of the Book, read his book, The Sound of the Future, afterwards, and learned that instead of just staring at our screens, we’ll be talking to them more.



Moving Others

23 April 2024

Janie read To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others by Dan Pink and considered different ways to implement what she learned.   



Did the Pandemic Change How Gallup Measures Employee Engagement?

9 April 2024

Allison read What to Ask the Hybrid and Remote Workforce by Jim Harter and was once again grateful for Gallup’s insights about what matters when it comes to employee engagement.



From Dateline Reruns to Planks: How I Fit Back Into My Pants Using Habits

26 March 2024

Geof read Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results by James Clear and learned about The Four Laws of Behavior Change that help regulate habit formation and maintenance. In this post, he outlines how he’s started to implement his interpretation of the Four Laws to be more active in his old(ish) age.  



What Shyness Can Tell You

12 March 2024

Barbara watched David Whyte’s January 2024 Three Sundays Series on The Shyness of Love and learned that shyness can mean new opportunities are on the horizon.



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